Regarding Pennsylvania Property Tax Reports, in most counties, the tax collection is done by township.  In each county there are dozens of townships; in fact Pennsylvania has 1,454 townships.

Some of them—via call, email, or fax—will get you an official report within a couple of days; but most will require the request via snail mail, along with a check to process the request.  These service fees vary from township-to-township; and the ETA to complete the request can be 3 days to 5 weeks, depending on the township.

There is no comprehensive list of all the township fees and ETAs.  Many searchers, for many years, have tried to make this process faster and easier to no avail, so please consider this when ordering Tax Reports in PA.  We have a flat fee for procuring the Tax Report, but the township fees and ETAs are additional and are variable.

The good news is we can get these Tax Reports anywhere in PA, and nationwide, so reach out to us if you need them!


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