CATIC Underwriter-Backed Search Products

Are you already a CATIC-approved policy-issuing agent or using CATIC as one of your underwriters? Great news—Real Title Services is now a CATIC-approved title search provider! This means you can order CATIC-backed title searches directly from Real Title Services for policies underwritten by CATIC.

Why This Matters to You:

  • Underwriter-Backed Confidence: Get a CATIC-backed title search product with our best in class service.
  • Direct Pricing Advantage: Receive competitive pricing directly from Real Title Services, with no added costs.

By ordering a “CATIC underwriter-backed” search product directly from Real Title Services, you’ll avoid the higher costs often associated with going through other underwriters. This can mean savings of up to 50%, thanks to our direct pricing with no additional underwriter markups.


PS—CATIC is the Connecticut Attorneys Title Insurance Company. In business more than 50 years, CATIC is a title insurance underwriter with offices throughout the United States.  If you would like to become a CATIC agent, let me know, and I can refer you to the right person.


WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS?: Leave a comment! You can make your comments anonymous, and you don’t need to sign-up or enter an email address to leave a comment. 🙂

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WANT TO TALK?: Would you like to have a conversation about coming onboard as our client? Contact me at:

ARE YOU A SEARCHER?: Become our title searcher! To be on-boarded as a vendor:


#FullNationwideTitleSearch #ComprehensiveTitleSearch #TitleSearchAgency #TitleAbstractServices #ResidentialTitleSearch #CommercialTitleSearch #OwnershipAndEncumbranceSearchService #OwnerAndEncumbranceSearch #SubsurfaceTitleSearch #OilRightsTitleSearch #PetroleumRightsTitleSearch #OilAndGasTitleSearch #MineralRightsTitleSearch #DocumentRetrievalServices #DeedSearch #MortgageSearch #AssignmentSearch #ForeclosureSearch #TwoOwnerSearch #REOSearch #PreForeclosureSearch #AttorneyCertification #NorthCarolinaAttorneyCertification #SouthCarolinaAttorneyCertification #WestVirginiaAttorneyCertification #PropertyTaxReports #CellTowerSearches #UpdateTitleSearch #UccSearch #HomeTitleSearch #DeedSearch #StateTaxLeinSearch #AlabamaTitleSearch #AlaskaTitleSearch #ArizonaTitleSearch #ArkansasTitleSearch #CaliforniaTitleSearch #ColoradoTitleSearch #ConnecticutTitleSearch #DelawareTitleSearch #DistrictofColumbiaTitleSearch #FloridaTitleSearch #GeorgiaTitleSearch #HawaiiTitleSearch #IdahoTitleSearch #IllinoisTitleSearch #IndianaTitleSearch #IowaTitleSearch #KansasTitleSearch #KentuckyTitleSearch #LouisianaTitleSearch #MaineTitleSearch #MarylandTitleSearch #MassachusettsTitleSearch #MichiganTitleSearch #MinnesotaTitleSearch #MississippiTitleSearch #MissouriTitleSearch #MontanaTitleSearch #NebraskaTitleSearch #NevadaTitleSearch #NewHampshireTitleSearch #NewJerseyTitleSearch #NewMexicoTitleSearch #NewYorkTitleSearch #NorthCarolinaTitleSearch #NorthDakotaTitleSearch #OhioTitleSearch #OklahomaTitleSearch #OregonTitleSearch #PennsylvaniaTitleSearch #RhodeIslandTitleSearch #SouthCarolinaTitleSearch #SouthDakotaTitleSearch #TennesseeTitleSearch #TexasTitleSearch #UtahTitleSearch #VermontTitleSearch #VirginiaTitleSearch #WashingtonTitleSearch #WestVirginiaTitleSearch #WisconsinTitleSearch #WyomingTitleSearch #titlesearch  #REI #RealEstate #titlesearches #WomanOwned  #ALTA  #AmericanLandTitleAssociation #DocumentRetrieval #EscrowServices #MortgageBanking #MortgageBrokers #NAMMBA #NationalAssociationofLandTitleExaminersandAbstractors #RealEstateInvesting  #interestratesdrop #housingpredictions#TaxReports #MBA #MortgageBankersAssociation #MarketPredictions #CATIC #ConnecticutAttorneysTitleInsuranceCompany

NOTE: This article was written with the assistance of AI technology.